the cheek - Español Inglés Diccionario

the cheek

Significados de "the cheek" con otros términos en diccionario español inglés : 167 resultado(s)

Inglés Español
fat cheek moflete [m]
prank consisting of letting someone kiss one's hand and unloading a blow on their head and cheek buzcorona [m]
cheek piece engallador [m]
cheek piece engalle [m]
thick cheek mollete [m]
butt cheek cacha [f]
rosy cheek chapeta [f]
tongue-in-cheek jocoso [adj]
butt-cheek cachete [m]
chubby cheek moflete [m]
red spot on the cheek roseta [f]
tongue-in-cheek burlesco [adj]
cheek-pouch abazón [m]
fat cheek cachete [m]
cheek of embroidering-frame banzo [m]
inflated cheek buchete [m]
prominent cheek-bone juanete [m]
fat-cheek moflete [m]
artificial rosy spot on the cheek chapa [f]
red spot on the cheek chapeta [f]
cheek of a bridle cama [f]
cheek of a bridle camba [f]
cheek of a printing-press pierna [f]
go cheek by jowl with ser camarada de [v]
go cheek by jowl with juntarse con [v]
protuberance that forms on the outside of the cheek for chewing coca acullico [m] AR:Nw
kiss on the cheek that touches the corner of the lips cuneteado [m] CL
open-handed slap on the cheek gaznatazo [m] PR
open-handed slap on the cheek gaznatón [m] HN PA CU PR
wound made in another fighter cock's cheek gollete [m] PA
ringlet of hair, especially on a woman's cheek compromiso [m] MX disused
cheek to cheek hug tanto [m] PR
butt cheek cachete [m] CL AR AL
open-handed slap on the cheek garnatada [f] PR rur.
open-handed slap on the cheek garnatada [f] SV PA CO:N
open-handed slap on the cheek gaznatada [f] GT SV NI rare
open-handed slap on the cheek gaznatada [f] PR
cheek piece martingala (francés) [f] AR UY rur.
pork cheek cachola [f] ES local
pork cheek cachucha [f] ES local
slap on the cheek gaznatada [f] HN SV NI PR
slap someone on the cheek with an open hand gaznatear [v] GT
turn the other cheek poner la otra mejilla [v]
have a lot of cheek ser muy caradura [v]
be cheek by jowl estar codo con codo [v]
have a cheek to tener la desfachatez de [v]
have a cheek to atreverse a [v]
have a cheek to tener la audacia para [v]
give someone some cheek decir cuatro frescas a alguien [v]
give someone some cheek soltar cuatro frescas a alguien [v]
turn the other cheek ofrecer la otra mejilla [v]
turn the other cheek ignorar una agresión [v]
turn the other cheek ignorar un insulto [v]
say something tongue in cheek decir algo con la boca pequeña [v]
say something with your tongue in your cheek decir algo con la boca chiquita [v]
say something with your tongue in your cheek decir algo con la boca chica [v]
say something with your tongue in your cheek decir algo con la boca pequeña [v]
say something tongue in cheek decir algo con la boca chica [v]
say something tongue in cheek decir algo con la boca chiquita [v]
have a lot of cheek tener un morro que se lo pisa [v]
have a lot of cheek Tener mucho morro [v]
have some cheek tener un morro que se lo pisa [v]
have cheek tener mucha cara [v]
have some cheek Tener mucho morro [v]
have cheek tener mucho morro [v]
have cheek tener la cara muy dura [v]
be cheek tener patillas [v]
cheek by jowl codo a codo [adv]
with one's tongue in one's cheek en broma
with one's tongue in one's cheek irónicamente
turn the other cheek poner la otra mejilla
cheek by jowl codo con codo
cheek by jowl codo a codo
cheek by jowl hacinados
cheek by jowl lado a lado
cheek by jowl uno junto al otro
cheek by jowl en estrecha cooperación
cheek by jowl muy juntos
cheek by jowl culo con culo
cheek by jowl en estrecha colaboración
cheek by jowl mancomunados
cherry of one's cheek mejillas sonrojadas
tongue-in-cheek irónico
tongue-in-cheek burlón
tongue-in-cheek advice consejo irónico
caress a woman's cheek quitar guayabas [v] GT
caress a cheek or chin quitar guayabas [v] GT
kiss on the cheek as a greeting dar paz a alguien [v] disused
what cheek! ¡qué morro!
with (one's) tongue in one's cheek irónicamente
with (one's) tongue in one's cheek (decir algo) medio en broma
with (one's) tongue in one's cheek (decir algo) con la voca chica
tongue in cheek con la boca pequeña
fat cheek moflete [m]
have a lot of cheek ser informal [v]
have a lot of cheek tener mucha cara dura [v]
have cheek tener mucha jeta [v]
have cheek tener patas [v]
say something tongue in cheek decir algo con la boca chica [v]
tongue in cheek en tono de burla
what a cheek! qué cara!
what a cheek! !que morro!
open-handed slap on the cheek garnatón [m] CU rare
open-handed slap on the cheek garnatón [m] PR rur.
open-handed slap on the cheek garnatón [m] PA
slap on the cheek charchazo [m] CL
tongue-in-cheek plato [m] PY AR UY
open-handed slap on the cheek garnatá [f] PR rur.
tongue-in-cheek pencada [f] HN
cheek to cheek, especially when dancing chic to (inglés cheek-to-cheek) [adv] EC BO CL rare
have a cheek tener morro [v]
butt cheek nalgas
cheek by jowl uno junto al otro
grape cheek mordaza de freno
bad cheek cheque devuelto
cancelled cheek cheque cancelado
pay cheek cheque de salario
personal cheek cheque personal
registered cheek cheque registrado
salary cheek cheque de salario
sobriety cheek prueba de alcoholemia
longitudinal parity cheek control de paridad longitudinal
cheek plate cachete [m]
cheek plate burro [m] CU
cheek plate cachete [m]
crank cheek brazo de manivela [m]
bitt cheek concha de bita [f]
brake cheek zapata de freno
door cheek larguero de puerta
cheek of hammer cabeza de martillo
gin cheek pata de cabria
brake cheek mordaza de freno
crank cheek brazo de manivela
cheek block pasteca de una sola gualdera
tackle block cheek gualdera del motón
free cheek librigena [f]
fixed cheek fixigena [f]
buyo cheek cancer cáncer del buyo del carrillo [m]
fat body of cheek cuerpo adiposo del carrillo [m]
buyo cheek cancer cáncer de buyo del carrillo [m]
cheek-related bucal [adj]
cleft cheek mejilla hendida
cheek bone hueso de la mejilla
cheek muscle músculo buccinador
cheek tooth diente de la mejilla
cheek-bone juanete [m]
cheek-bone pómulo [m]
cheek ligaments of axis ligamentos alares de la odontoides
cheek sucking succión de la mejilla
cheek guard protector de la mejilla
cheek retractor retractor de mejillas
cheek of hammer cabeza de martillo [m]
cheek plate cachete [m]
crank cheek brazo de manivela
cheek of a printing-press cárcel [f]
crank cheek brazo de manivela [m]
crank cheek brazo de manivela
plump cheek cachete [m]
crank cheek flanco del codo
bowsprit bee [cheek] oreja del bauprés
cheek of the head cántara de un gánguil
cheek block motón de quijada [m]
pork cheek jeta [f]
cheek meat carrillada [f]
beef cheek morros de vaca
cheek pouch abazón [m]
chubby cheek mollete [m]